Making Learning Connected - Maker Cycle #1

Maker Cycle #1

First for an un-introduction or reconstructing how we might introduce ourselves to others, online.

Untro - It's not Untrue

What about a digital badge to make you feel better about all the mistakes that need to be made in the creative cycle. Remixed from Terry Elliott (remixed from somebody else)

OOPS Credit - badge

Do It Now - Not sure what the purpose of this exercise is, however I did find an object that I identify with. It does keep people engaged and sharing but seems a bit random #donow
One way of curating is asking all the participants to do it for you! Could we select just five posts that caught our eye this week.

Fantastic 5 Friday #F5F

What did I learn?
  • It's fun making stuff. Because it's fun I prioritise that above other more mundane chores
  • unpacking introductions made me think of identity and how we portray ourselves online. I tidied up my avartars across the different platforms that I use because it is an easy way to ID someone
  • I learnt all different ways that people perceive themselves
  • I thought about how I identify as an introvert and how that impacts how I interact with others online and how that suits this type of learning
