Wendyland Graffiti

How could I represent my digital writing in an image?

Image: Wendy Taleo 2018 CC BY

Digital writing can be about sharing and letting these words fly to someone else's desktop, another pair of eyes. This photo was taken over glorious, miles of Australian soil. I live in the Northern Territory of Australia and Terry mentions this in his graffiti work. It is part of the territory of digital writing that we can not control who does what with this. We can guide (with license suggestions) and hope (for remixes) but we can not control. #MoDigiWri is already showing itself as a reciprocal and thoughtful group of people. Here is the digital writing that happened from this post.

This expanded to a poem (Kevin Hodgson), I love the line of the 'wing and a prayer' that accompanies many of my posts. This was then tuned in.

Hear the flow (Kevin Hodgson)

Graffiti and assumptions (Terry Elliott)
Terry generously guides us through the path of his gaze and visual assumptions. This digital degaussing allows a balancing of the magnetism of these responses. This colour correct version with it's AF and recursive nature is intriguing and I spend time to contemplate this shared territory at 10,000ft.

She can see (Wendy Taleo)

Process: This gif was created in an app called Glitch Art (ipad). Inserting the image above, flipped and selecting the second picture to fuse over it. The second step is adding the 'degaussing' effect and then to add the text.

Niall correctly identified the plane. I love the last part of the tweet 'control the trailing vertices'.  I guess this is what we do by using hashtags. Rather than getting lost in the slipstream, we add in some control in the vortex and keep the plane flying.

Curation as Composition

Wakelet has some new features of adding contributors. Who knows when this curation tool might dissappear! If you would like to be a contributor to this collection, please send me your email address.
