Some thoughts after Week 1:
Enjoyed the two articles, posted for readings.
Links to site for Blog Aggregator was also easy to get to and register for.
OU site - wow, very cludgy, annoying and like a stumbling beast. I'm finding it hard to get around and just trying to bookmark the exact space I need to get to.
Activity 1: Good to have this part documented, orientation around this MOOC is vital.
Activity 2: see above for material
Activity 3: enjoyed the creation and feedback on Activity 3. Found the activities relevant and thought provoking. A wide interpretation of the how to 'do' Activity 3 which in itself has caused lots more discussion.
Activity 4: Chose not to participate in Activity 4
G+ - a lively and interesting bunch of people to communicate with. Feedback on my posts were great and have increased my PLN list. Easy access to updates as it pushes notifications to my profile. Quick access from mobile devices. Loving G+!!
Twitter - have only entered this once...I have not had any connection with others doing this course nor gained any insight about the course or open education generally.
OU Forum for Week 1: posted the link to my Activity 3 and it got corrupted somehow. Somebody corrected this...but their link also got corrupted! Find this Forum rather cludgy and still undecided whether I'll continue to post on there.
OU blogs - had a number of interesting links to other OU students for their blogs that are hosted on OU no avail! Even after signing in I could not read their posts. A shame.
Blog Aggregator - I saw that my first post went up there. Have visited a couple of times since and linked to other people's blogs that I have not seen in G+
How I see Open Education now:
Even after 1 week I would have to say that my definition of Open Education has been expanded and deepened. Particularly how it relates to me. Being an introvert I look inwards and then outwards to the bigger picture! The concept of an Open Scholar is something I've been contemplating. The "share by default" position is something I can be active in now! I particularly enjoyed this picture (from Jonathan Vernon) which shows the aim of getting to persuasive engagement. The bonus about actually commentating on someone else's original work or collection of other's work, is that is makes your brain think. The next step is to collate that thinking and formatting it appropriately, sharing it and letting the circle go around again.
Ready for Week 2!
Enjoyed the two articles, posted for readings.
Links to site for Blog Aggregator was also easy to get to and register for.
OU site - wow, very cludgy, annoying and like a stumbling beast. I'm finding it hard to get around and just trying to bookmark the exact space I need to get to.
Activity 1: Good to have this part documented, orientation around this MOOC is vital.
Activity 2: see above for material
Activity 3: enjoyed the creation and feedback on Activity 3. Found the activities relevant and thought provoking. A wide interpretation of the how to 'do' Activity 3 which in itself has caused lots more discussion.
Activity 4: Chose not to participate in Activity 4
G+ - a lively and interesting bunch of people to communicate with. Feedback on my posts were great and have increased my PLN list. Easy access to updates as it pushes notifications to my profile. Quick access from mobile devices. Loving G+!!
Twitter - have only entered this once...I have not had any connection with others doing this course nor gained any insight about the course or open education generally.
OU Forum for Week 1: posted the link to my Activity 3 and it got corrupted somehow. Somebody corrected this...but their link also got corrupted! Find this Forum rather cludgy and still undecided whether I'll continue to post on there.
OU blogs - had a number of interesting links to other OU students for their blogs that are hosted on OU no avail! Even after signing in I could not read their posts. A shame.
Blog Aggregator - I saw that my first post went up there. Have visited a couple of times since and linked to other people's blogs that I have not seen in G+
How I see Open Education now:
Even after 1 week I would have to say that my definition of Open Education has been expanded and deepened. Particularly how it relates to me. Being an introvert I look inwards and then outwards to the bigger picture! The concept of an Open Scholar is something I've been contemplating. The "share by default" position is something I can be active in now! I particularly enjoyed this picture (from Jonathan Vernon) which shows the aim of getting to persuasive engagement. The bonus about actually commentating on someone else's original work or collection of other's work, is that is makes your brain think. The next step is to collate that thinking and formatting it appropriately, sharing it and letting the circle go around again.
Ready for Week 2!
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