Rhizomatic Learning - Week 1 (0) - Setting Subjectives

Here we go.....http://rhizomatic.net/

Build learning subjectives: How do we design our own or others learning when we don’t know where we are going? How does that free us up? What can we get done with subjectives that can’t be done with objectives?

My gut feel here is that the first place we go to is our history. My history in MOOC's is to set objectives in one of these 3 boxes lurking/parts-of-interest/complete-it-all-get-the-badges. However from my last MOOC #HumanMOOC, I set the bar quite low....lurking...and ended up moving into parts-of-interest.I'm quite comfortable with the Week 0 'mess' - sniff around, check out the tools, connect with others. I've already chosen my method of blogging (this one) and while I don't normally do Facebook for study, I'll keep my eye on that. Twitter will also be an active tool for me.

I think that if we look at the SUBJECTives (ie me) then we can set some goals from that stand-point. My Subjectives for this course (learning experience) is:

  • I'm open to learn 
  • I'm open to connect with others and increase my PLN 
  • I will connect this learning for my benefit to my future career vision 

Plan A: Go with the flow - see how it pans out - take each day as it comes - assimilate new knowledge and move forward as that knowledge becomes available.
Plan B: There is no Plan B!
Refer to http://youtu.be/r8avYQ5ZqM0 for more details on the suggested MOOC success recipe.

Post Script:
On a popular open dictionary a search brings this up:
