My (social) analysis of that....with instant coffee.

Here is my talk-back to Aras Bozkurt for his SNA presentation with [min] indicators if you want to break up the 53 minutes. Italics are direct quotes from the presentation.

Image from presentation

After some introductions we get a "Hi" of a different sort. [4:30] The risks of open and public hangouts - Mr Lovier says analyse this!

Betweennes Centralities are very important. [8:45] This term 'betweenness' (see my poem here Twitter Metrics) has been picked up a bit in the last week or so. This is another facet of the diamond of this type of analysis. Aras goes on to explain..We all have different roles, producers, lurkers, consumers, guides. Betweenness Centralities is a measure of these and the importance [9:34] and there is no unity in the terms across SNA [41:02]. The challenge is to synchronizing the terms in your head to understand them.

How can you connect with another in the shortest path. That's what the analysis is looking at. [10:30] Dots and lines in the picture equal one week of interactions in Rhizo15. [12:25] Subnetworks and lurkers are clearly defined. SNA is more than connections and number of tweets [45:36] By changing the sort order in NodeXL you get a different diagram that clearly shows ties and nodes [14:33]. This visual, supports the concept of teacher=learner=teacher=learner.

Look out! Learners took control in the Week 2,3,4 examples. [16:13] Or is this how MOOCs operate with a large number of students? Are there always going to be clusters or do we expect the central star formation?

It took 4 hours of number crunching to do the weekly pictures that are posted for Rhizo15, a long process. [17:09] Here is an example of the SNA with the red lines showing my tag to give you an example of the depth of information included. Is my home green?
You are not visible but you are a critical part of the whole story [43:43]

Back to the presentation we have a "Go NomadWarmachine" event!! [22:10] Connecting to all communities across the sub-groups. You are not the instructor but you are in the middle of everything...that's important. [23:37] We can calculating relationships by looking at the edge weights. [27:31] Two dimensional graphs are hard to analyse or interpret, SNA allows a more indepth look at the data. [27:31]
Showing preset data is like drinking instant coffee [31:00]
This software does not work on Facebook at the moment. [33:27]  Getting this data is a continual challenge as different releases of apps change the way this is done. The difficult part is visualizing this data into something meaningful. [39:34]

45:39 You need to engage with the data to understand it.
46:10 It's like dominos
46:45 SNA - what we do with it...we decide what we need and go looking for it.
52:15 This data gives us information about learning and rhizomatic learning

Then Autumm calls up a Google Hangout-bomb experience! [49:16] I feel like this is a movie I've already seen.

Get all the researchers about rhizo15 together. [52:03] I've made this Flipgrid available for Researchers in the hope that they would be willing to share their area of research and their initial ideas just as Aras has done in this presentation. There is also a request from Dave here:

53:zzzzzz Aras goes to catch a short sleep and we say "Good Morning" .... thanks for the async chat.
