Another remix using Twitter metric data created by Danial Llynds
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Another remix using Twitter metric data created by Danial Llynds
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This work started with a picture posted by Aras Bozkurt and then picked up by Simon Ensor and then I clicked the 'remix' button and modified it. The tool, Thinglink, certainly encourages remix and so does Soundcloud.
Kirby Ferguson in his TedX talk says that remixing is a better way to conceive of creativity. The basic elements of remix are copy, transform and combine.
What I have found during the process of remix is that you have to study the material that you are reconstructing much more carefully than if you just 'consume' that work. Here is a short video I made for Rhizomatic Learning cMOOC in week 1. While the results may not make a great deal of sense, the process of collecting these images and remixing in this way allowed me to sort, sift and order this information. In this type of learning with so much going on, this is critical for me to start the process of finding a comfortable virtual place to study.
It is also another way of 'hosting' a learning party as we discussed during the Rhizomatic Learning 'course'. To me, hosting is part of being able to collate, collect and then share so that others will be engaged, learn or even just pause to think.
Here is another inspiring remix from #Rhizo15 study....A Quote Parade. I've really enjoyed the remix work of both @dogtrax and @sensor63.
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