A game of honouring.

Image: Michal Parzuchowski, unsplash.com

Is there a place for play and games in higher education?

That is how Day 2 prompt starts for #CreativeHE. I'm not sure there is a yes/no answer so I'll approach this from a sharing perspective. A game that I enjoy is about honouring those in my Professional Learning Network (PLN). It involves these things:
  • close/slow reading
  • using new digital tools
  • curating
  • remix
  • sharing
  • fun
How to play this game:
Choose a blog post of someone in your PLN or curate information from open sources. Complete a slow read of the material. Pick a digital tool that can help you remix the blog post while keeping the original intention. Share it out and acknowledge the author.

Here are two examples that I created today.

In this remix, I look at Sundi's blog post on Intentional Practices.

Taproot Blues has been created from a set of tweets. I've put them together, nearly a poem!

These were created with Lumen5 desktop application. It uses images from unsplash.com and you can choose music to go with the work. 
