From the Alchemist's Lab


Network Narratives from The Alchemist’s Lab to Monsters and beyond: a story of the potential of ‘global contemporaneity’

The images and story of this presentation will lead you on a journey to understand how a global, transmedia project in digital material thinking (Rae, 2018) is informing local practice.   This presentation explores how the researcher worked collaboratively to create individual artifacts to be placed in a digital ‘museum’ space called The Alchemist’s Lab.  This created a  ‘choose your own adventure’ narrative which offered adventurers an inviting space. Transformed local meanings have the capacity to communicate with the local community.  This digital museum explores the potential of such a globally created and situated web space to create a ‘3rd space’  of ‘global contemporaneity’ that supports the needs of locally situated individuals as they created context-specific meanings and to share these multiple perspectives and meanings. The presentation will conclude with the implications of using such technology (or transmedia) modes can have for informing future educational technology projects.

Wander around The Alchemist's Lab here.

Presented at the Knowledge Intersections II Symposium at Charles Darwin University, Alice Springs Campus, May 2018.

Thanks to Susan Watson, Kevin Hodgson, Sarah Honeychurch and Todd Conaway and all the other participants of the #NetNarr Alchemist's Lab.
