Reconstructions Remix

Looking Through the Shoes
Looking through the shoes. Alan Levine 2019

What do we see when we look through the shoes of another persons trampling? Terry shared this video for some #Netnarr #MoDigiWri #clmooc kind of swing. It ain't got that swing. I took the subtitle of the video for inspiration for this 12th post in a series.

Recommended listening while reading this post (by Kevin Hodgson)

The art of reconstruction is not that easy. The above music and the following example is like taking 'news from poems' as Terry mentioned. Take the following example of a very talented uke player reconstructing a piece of music given to him.

In the music world this is called an 'arrangement'. Listening to the music and then playing it on the ukulele, trying to pick out the nuances and the main themes of the music. This is a process video where he is sharing his thinking and skills in how to pick apart the music. There is repetition and a middle (or bridge) section. He starts by getting the rhythm, chords and picking up beat numbers. He has a creative constraint with a timer and this impacts his thinking but also forces the activity to some sort of a closure. I love the 7:45min where he appears to get distracted by the icon but really it's about 'getting in character' for the piece.

This is what Kevin is doing in this post where he reconstructs not only his own work but remixes some of Terry's work. . I go to Terry's original work and let my digital eyes trace the paths of others. Walking in the margins and stomping in the comments.

Reconstruction never seeks to break things but rather to enhance or keep the main body alive for a few more rounds. This is closely related to recreate. Re-forming structure is one way of understanding the structure. This seems to be one step past a close read. Remix seeks to enhance while putting a little of ourselves into the mix.
