The Net

Photo by Aaina Sharma on Unsplash

It's summer in Australia and that means tennis. There is something self-mesmirising about watching the ball go from one side to the other. But this game is not about the ball, or the racket. It's about the net. The net has the power in this game. 

Have you ever played gif volley? Here is the result of a recent match. The pirate (aka @Telliowkuwp) blogged about dark ink and with a literal twist, I responded with some dark ink. Gif's were passed over the net, back and foward until it came to rest with plain, dark ink again. A shy yellow tear, sliding down the face. As @dogtrax asked about the point of 'sense', I realised that this is not senseless. Play and response is always getting points on my court.

This post in a series for More Digital Writing #MoDigiWri
