
This poem can be read in three different ways. Read the three line poem (right justified), the left justified text is another poem or read it top to bottom. This poem is part of processing an exit strategy. Paths of connection change over time and as we move. New doors open.

Every word written captures my attention.

Conversations bleed underground
unseen by others.

Sitting on vulnerability fences
our questions and responses
drip along desire lines.

Text and gifs drop
onto the scrolling notebook -
meshing and creating paths,
On a post-modern map.

You are the reticulation system of my day.

Presence conveyed
through line of sight.

Infiltrating thought, 
as sun through leaf veins -
with warmth of care we work.

New cultural references
Zigzag across the day
Masking mundane tasks
Under my fingertips. 

My garden is brighter since our paths crossed.
