
A collaborative exhibition

In this exhibition in Thiers, France, Simon Ensor extends his "nothing is ever" solo exhibition to connect with many, some from the Connected Learning (#CLMOOC) community. The theme is roots and we mine our archives to find pieces that come from rhizomatic learning. This act, is also a rhizomatic activity, criss-crossing the muddy waters of social media sites, blogs and internet buckets that still breathe. No matter if the contributions were created yesterday or nine years ago (#rhizo14), rhizomes drive these educators, artists and creators together.

Extended exhibition space

Ensor Racines - Poster

My work is shown in this preview of part of the work (0:14min) with poetry and a visual remix of Simon's original artwork.

Roots take hold - composed and read by Kevin Hodgson


  1. This great Wendy! Thanks!! The potential collaborators come from way beyond #clmooc some are alive others are dead.

    1. Thanks for reading. I've amended that sentence to say that this collaboration is with the 'many'.


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