New moon Dark night

New moon
Dark night
Look closer
Stars bright
No sun
To fight.

New moon
Count begins 
Another cycle
Raise gin
Please rest
Head din.

New moon 
Quiet given
Birds sleep
We're driven
To bed
Blanket bidding.

New moon 
Cold night
Even crows
Keep quiet
Shadows low
Pre-dawn delight.


  1. Dreaming of
    descent, black
    wings flapping
    at midnight,
    the moon as
    spotlight on
    branch, trees
    as creatures
    of slumber

    - Kevin (inspired by your lines: Even crows / Keep quiet)

    1. Thanks Kevin.
      I feel/see the slumbering trees wake with dawn
      Imperceptible stretches on the skyline
      Leaves tremble and roots move just a little deeper
      These gumtree giants, grounded yet reaching out
      Fill me with humility in their grandeur.


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