How to have a sabbatical

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

I'm using the term sabbatical in the sense of 'a break or change from a normal routine (as of employment)' Meriam-Webster. While it may be associated with academia as a paid stint of research and/or writing, I'm taking the concept and applying it to my work as a poet and creator. I'm working towards publishing my first anthology.

    Purple clouds bloated
    with rain blow off east revealing
    a naked dawn.
            from Portraits of country. Haiku for Central Australia. Michael Giacometti. 2017

My contract at the university is coming to an end, I need a break, a change of season, bark peeling! It will be self-funded, it will be writing, it will be research, it will be publishing, it is history, it is now and emerging...what will this morning wind bring?

    This morning the wind brings
    dust from the west
    that lands on my page,
    and catches in the corner
    of my eye.
        extract from ' Rogue wind' by Sue Fielding. From In the Pink: poems from the Garden. compiled by Sue Fielding. 2012

How long have I been writing poetry? There is no date, no stick in the sand. It comes from somewhere. From the last five years, I have published a lot of poetry here. That will be part of the story.

    Somewhere, the fire coughs;
    gifting shadows to the wall I throw up against it,
    There is nothing perfect in this night,
    In my fear;
        extract from 'breathing hope' by Jeremy Garnett. From Red Dirt Scrawl. Jeremy Garnett. 2022.

This process will be challenging but it feels about the right time to let the writing and curating begin. Fear of the imposter syndrome is sitting on my left shoulder. Terry said 'be aware of the trip wires', what brings it on? I need to listen carefully and have some tools within reach that are sharpened and available.

    I am listening to this body
    and this inner life,
    listening to all
    the precious beings
        extract from 'I am open' by Edwin Creely. From The time is now. Edwin Creely. 2023. 

These poets and their publications are an inspiration to me. I have roped in an editor, artist mentor, writing and education mentor and trusted critical friend. Come along for the ride!


  1. How can you possibly be an imposter? Wendy Taleo.. the only one of this kind that I know to write poetry.

  2. I lhave begun to annotate with Hypothesis.

    1. Thanks Terry. I encourage others to join the annotation by logging in to and viewing the margins.


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