Two wires
Providing a rough 'v' shaped platform
For her nest
Cobwebs are used as glue
Carefully draped with her beak
Grass tendrils, fine and ethereal
Is that my hair you borrowed?
Carried, stretched and stacked
Perfectionism a labour of love
She is wary of my coming and going
Waiting impatiently on the railing
Under the eaves, protected from eagle eye
Solid man-made shade better than a tree
She rests
Sitting in her new home
No longer worried about me
Carport breezeway cooling
I imagine the clutch, incubating
Sunset paints the walls of their house
Set the dial for two weeks
Lizard tracks an ant highway past their door
He takes his turn to prepare this brood
Open pantry
watered garden beds close by
Territoriality wisdom
Willie Wagtail.
Araluen 2024
I have a new song I'm writing in which I was using a variation of "under the eaves" in the lyrics. Great minds ..